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在非等间距GM(1,1)模型中,系数矩阵中有无误差的常数项和有误差的随机项,并且系数矩阵与观测向量误差同源,即系数矩阵与观测向量中有相同的元素存在,这些相同元素应该有相同的改正数,为此本文推导了一种适合非等间距GM(1,1)模型求解的总体最小二乘算法。同时,考虑到非等间距GM(1,1)模型中存在病态问题时影响总体最小二乘计算结果的稳定性,提出对系数矩阵常数列乘以某一常数的方法,以改善病态问题。  相似文献   
为查明清水河东侧断裂的产状、性质及其浅部构造特征,跨断裂开展高分辨率的浅层地震探测,获得高信噪比的浅层地震反射叠加剖面。根据浅层地震剖面结果并结合该区域地质资料,对该断裂的浅部构造特征进行分析和讨论。结果表明,清水河东侧断裂为一条走向近SN、倾向E的逆断层,其浅部为由2~3条断层组成的“Y”字形构造,并错断埋深约10~30 m的第四系沉积层,属第四纪以来的隐伏活动断裂。  相似文献   
新型珊瑚海水混凝土力学性能试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解决全珊瑚海水混凝土(coral aggregate seawater concrete,简称CASC)的脆性问题,采用碱式硫酸镁水泥(basic magnesium sulfate cement,简称BMSC)为胶凝材料和剑麻纤维为增韧材料制备了一种新型全珊瑚海水混凝土(NCASC),系统测定了基本力学性能,并与普通硅酸盐水泥制备的CASC、碱式硫酸镁水泥砂石混凝土(basic magnesium sulfate cement concrete,简称BMSCC)、普通砂石混凝土(ordinary portland cement concrete,简称OPC)以及普通轻骨料混凝土(lightweight aggregate concrete,简称LAC)的力学性能进行对比。结果表明:立方体抗压强度(f_(cu),m)在15~35 MPa范围内的NCASC的轴心抗压强度(f_c,m)、劈裂抗拉强度(f_(sp),m)与f_(cu),m之间具有较显著的线性关系;对于f_(cu),m为15~35 MPa的混凝土,相同强度NCASC的f_c,m高于OPC、LAC及BMSCC,其f_c,m与f_(cu),m比值最大,大致在0.85~0.96之间,NCASC的f_(sp),m比OPC和LAC高,但比BMSCC低,且随着强度的提高,OPC与NCASC的f_(sp),m间的差距在增大,而LAC和BMSCC与NCASC的f_(sp),m间的差距在缩小;在强度等级C15~C55的范围中,NCASC和CASC的f_(sp),m、f_c,m与f_(cu),m之间的关系基本可以采用相同的线性回归方程来描述,利用这两个回归线性方程得到对应于标准强度等级的CASC和NCASC的f_(sp),m和f_c,m数据,为CASC力学性能研究与结构设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   
综述国内外数篇论文,从强对流天气监测、预报预警、模式同化3个方面总结分析了近年来地面稠密观测资料的应用与优劣之处。综述表明:地面加密自动站、风廓线雷达、地基GPS、雨滴谱仪等多种观测仪器组成的地面稠密观测网具有时间尺度密集、覆盖面积广泛、能捕捉较多细微变化的优势,通过该观测网所得数据总结出的一系列指示性指标在强对流监测预警中具有重要的指示意义。但因中国地形天气情况复杂多变、数据缺失、仪器造价昂贵等问题,导致该观测网所得指示性指标不能适用于中国全境,应根据该观测网数据分析总结适应本地的预报指标。  相似文献   
叶翔  李靖  王爱军 《海洋学报》2018,40(7):79-89
滨海湿地作为人类活动和全球变化反应最为敏感的区域,其沉积记录可以反映出周边地区环境变化及人类活动信息。珠江口淇澳岛滨海湿地钻孔分析结果表明,在中全新世期间淇澳岛附近海域为河口湾环境,在风化层以上开始出现淤积,但在4 200 a BP前后受极冷气候的影响,沉积物粗化;自2 500 a BP以来,沉积环境相对稳定,在小冰期期间略有变化。沉积速率计算结果显示:淇澳岛附近海域自中全新世高海面以来的平均沉积速率为0.29 cm/a,4 160~2 500 a BP、2 500 a BP-1488年、1488-1893年、1893-1986年、1990-2007年期间的平均沉积速率分别为:0.17 cm/a、0.23 cm/a、0.35 cm/a、1.37 cm/a和5.94 cm/a,沉积速率逐渐增大,反映了珠江三角洲演化过程中沉积相与沉积环境的变化;1986-1990年期间的海堤建造极大地扰动了该钻孔上部的沉积过程,在工程施工期间共沉积了厚度约112 cm的沉积层,而在海堤建成后,沉积速率也显著增大。沉积物总有机碳、总氮和C/N值的垂向分布表明,在4 160~2 500 a BP期间受海洋环境影响较大,沉积物中有机碳以海源为主,2 500 a BP以来沉积物中碳、氮含量明显增大,C/N也相应变大,有机碳主要来源于陆源输入,但在小冰期期间海源有机碳贡献略有所增大;近百年来由于受人类活动影响显著,陆源有机碳的贡献快速增加。  相似文献   
利用近7万个湖南及邻近省份重力观测数据、502个GNSS/水准控制点及数字高程模型,以EIGEN-6C4全球重力场模型作参考重力场,采用顾及地球曲率影响的各类地形质量位及引力的第二类Helmert凝集法严密算法,利用高分辨率地形数据恢复甚短波扰动重力场,确定空间分辨率2′×2′的高精度湖南省似大地水准面模型(HNGG2017)。经外部检核,模型整体精度均优于±0.022 m。与历史模型相比,新模型在湖南北部常德汉寿、西南部永州江永等地区精度得到显著改善。  相似文献   
Northeast China experiences severe atmospheric pollution, with an increasing occurrence of heavy haze episodes. However, the underlying forces driving haze formation during different seasons are poorly understood. In this study, we explored the spatio-temporal characteristics and causes of haze events in Northeast China by combining a range of data sources(i.e., ground monitoring, satellite-based products, and meteorological products). It was found that the ‘Shenyang-Changchun-Harbin(SCH)'city belt was the most polluted area in the region on an annual scale. The spatial distribution of air quality index(AQI) values had a clear seasonality, with the worst pollution occurring in winter, an approximately oval-shaped polluted area around western Jilin Province in spring, and the best air quality occurring in summer and most of the autumn. The three periods that typically experienced intense haze events were Period I from mid-October to mid-November(i.e., late autumn and early winter), Period II from late-December to February(i.e., the coldest time in winter), and Period III from April to mid-May(i.e., spring). During Period I, strong PM_(2.5) emissions from seasonal crop residue burning and coal burning for winter heating were the dominant reasons for the occurrence of extreme haze events(AQI 300). Period II had frequent heavy haze events(200 AQI 300) in the coldest months of January and February, which were due to high PM_(2.5) emissions from coal burning and vehicle fuel consumption, a lower atmospheric boundary layer, and stagnant atmospheric conditions. Haze events in Period III, with high PM_(10) concentrations, were primarily caused by the regional transportation of windblown dust from degraded grassland in central Inner Mongolia and bare soil in western Jilin Province. Local agricultural tilling could also release PM_(10) and enhance the levels of windblown dust from tilled soil. Better control of coal burning, fuel consumption, and crop residue burning in winter and autumn is urgently needed to address the haze problem in Northeast China.  相似文献   
新元古代末期是生命演化的关键转折期,也是以微生物占主导的生态系统向显生宙以后生动物占主导的生态系统的转变期,埃迪卡拉纪大型软躯体生物以固着、底栖、食悬浮为特色,普遍缺乏运动能力。作为这一时期特殊代表的高家山生物群,是目前新元古代唯一一个以黄铁矿化三维保存的管状和锥管状化石为主导,兼有骨骼生物、原生动物、钙化蓝细菌类及遗迹化石的多门类生物组合,是研究埃迪卡拉纪末期生命演化和生态系统演变十分重要的载体。本文通过对高家山生物群古生态学的初步研究,揭示出在前寒武纪—寒武纪之交,生态系统已显示一定的多样性。为适应平底面上(level-bottom)微生物席的发育,高家山生物群的许多生物采取了适应性的生存策略,通过黏附或插入微生物席中,营底栖固着食悬浮(如CloudinaConotubus)或化学共生(可能的Shaanxilithes)或平躺(如GaojiashaniaSinotubulites)食碎屑生活。底内遗迹化石表明存在可能的表栖和半内栖、可自由运动、食碎屑的造迹生物。Conotubus中常见的“回春”或“复苏”现象,GaojiashaniaSinotubulites的身体扭转或生活姿态调整则是对频繁风暴事件的被动适应。  相似文献   
The Province of Khanh Hoa, Vietnam, is located in the western South China Sea and boasts a shoreline of 385 km and many islands. Previous studies have indicated the extreme diversity and abundance of coral reefs in its waters as compared with other coastal provinces of Vietnam. A study on the resilience of coral reefs against increased surface water temperature and anthropogenic impact is conducted at 19 reef sites in 2015. At each site, a series of parameters (e.g., coral covers, genus diversity, and coral recruitment, substratum heterogeneity, depth, water exchange level, and sediment deposit and water temperature) are measured quantitatively or semi-quantitatively. The measured data are rated based on the relationship between the parameter values and coral susceptibility; the consideration that reef health reflects the biological capability to adapt to environmental changes and the recruitment potential if bleached; and positive or negative influences of physical factors in the mitigation of thermal stress and protecting corals from bleaching. A cumulative analysis enables researchers to divide the studied reefs into four categories based on varying levels of reef health to support resilience, recovery, and vulnerability in the case of increased water temperature. Relevant management interventions for each category and other supporting activities are suggested to enhance management effectiveness and to plan the rehabilitation of coral reefs for biodiversity conservation and touristic development, taking into account the involvement of related stakeholders.  相似文献   
提出一种基于马尔科夫链修正的遗传BP神经网络预测模型(GA-BP-MC),利用遗传算法的全局寻优能力初始化BP神经网络权值和阈值,初步建立GA-BP神经网络预测模型,结合马尔科夫链的无后效性修正模型预测值,形成高精度GA-BP-MC神经网络变形预测模型。结合高铁桥墩沉降数据,分别与BP神经网络、GA-BP神经网络预测模型进行对比,结果表明,该预测模型精度最高。  相似文献   
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